Living in the suburbs of Philadelphia, you're entitled to even the smallest bits of urban life while still embracing vast amounts of countryside. However, if you are a caffeine addict such as myself, the journey in locating a decent cup of joe sadly ends at the nearest Dunkin' Donuts.
But, when my home town of Boyertown recently decided to house the eighth location of the alternative coffee house chain, Hard Bean Cafe all the local swiggers of the java rejoiced! A convenient source for some decent brew, the newest Hard Bean is nestled in the center of Philadelphia Avenue sporting a gorgeous wooden awning. Inside, the inviting deep-red atmosphere screams cafe-chic and offers a large-scale space for evening entertainment and social set-ups.
However, the presentation of their steamy beverages is what caught my thirst-crazed attention the most. While my coffee-loving companion opted for a sizable chai tea latte, shown above, which possessed the perfect foamy combination of equal parts spiced tea and steamed milk, I opted for the shop's Montana.

Without an sort-of doubt, I have found a new locale to become a regular revisitor.