Tuesday, October 9, 2012

apple picking at frecon farms

Frecon Farms has always had a sweet spot in my heart. Situated in my hometown, apples were a major part of my diet — well, that and the fact that I worked my mid- to late-teens across town in another prosperous apple-focused company, at Bauman's Apple Butter.

So, ever since B and I started dating, I've raved about all things apples, apple butter, apple cider. I mean, the word "apples" are in my blog's name — you get it. But, we've never actually went apple-picking, which happens to be a popular sport around Berks County, especially for any Boyertownian.

Taking all of the above into consideration, B and I hit Frecon's on the first day of their  pick-your-own season — which debuted two weeks earlier this year due to the warm winter we had along the East Coast. Since it was the fresh end of pick-your-own, only McIntosh, Gala and Jonathans were deemed pickable in the vast orchards, but we had no beef with that, and each made out like bandits.

Scenes from our fall-infused excursion are viewable below.

Learn all you need to know on picking your own at Frecon Farms of Boyertown, Pa. by clicking here. You can also PYO pumpkins — which, I'm gearing up to do just that very soon.