While they boost on everything breakfast, from the usual fresh fruit-topped waffles and multi-ingredient omelets, they also encourage every season's best by offering an constantly changing supplement to their already established menu.
For my favorite fall-and-winter time of the year, they embrace all things pumpkin and peppermint, and of course, promote additional turkey-themed meals. The Holiday Benedict, seen above, a rendition of the beloved eggs benedict, is sculpted on two toasty rounds of cornbread, layered with chunks of November's popular bird, and dosed with perfectly-prepared eggs and hollandaise.
The Pumpkin Bread French Toast, seen below, is similar to their wide assortment of fruit-themed stuffed crispy toasts, is crafted around bread loaves they are prepared daily within the establishment, and then smeared with a cream-cheese filling that, with the ideal blending of cream cheese, ricotta, vanilla and cinnamon, it is apparent that a pumpkiny breakfast has never shined as bright as this platter.