My best friend and I traveled to New York City and Brooklyn to make a few pit stops at beloved bakeries and galleries. Below, I visited Brooklyn's Baked, a bakery whose baking book my friend had purchased for me at Christmas. Such amazing goodies!
And, of course, I brought back some sweet treats for B to sample, too.
The most intense moment of the year was my serious dome chop, which had me soon sporting a fun pixie hairstyle.
For my 24th birthday, my baking obsession only enhanced when I received the gift of an icy blue KitchenAid mixer. I was in pure shock and bliss!
My dear grandmother is a silver fox, and in honor of her July 4th birthday, I created Silver Fox Strawberry Surprise Layered Cake. Nothing is better than taking advantage of the season's best fruit. I could live solely on strawberries.
Being a coffee-aholic, the coffee-rubbed burgers I whipped up were probably one of the better combinations I have ever tasted. Who wouldn't love their beef caffeinated?
A year or so ago, one of my closest friends, Melissa, moved to the British Virgin Islands (sob, sob) to work at a travel magazine. Although miles and miles away from me, we managed to stay in constant communication. When she visited home this past summer, we decided to deepen our bond by getting matching tattoos. Both getting LO-VE, Philly-style, permantently inked in our skin, we will forever be linked. Hers follows Pop Art stylings, while my tattoo follows traditional stenciling, with a cupcake acting as the "O".

I've always been a nerd to uncovering the workings of how things are made, especially those food-themed. This summer spun my fresh interest in touring nearby breweries, with Lancaster Brewing Company being my first stop.
Philadelphia-based food writers Joy Manning and Tara Mataraza Desmond released their book, Almost Meatless, this year. The duo satisfyingly sculpted, as the title assumes, health-conscious recipes that scale back our meaty intakes, without sacrificing the flavors we carnivorously crave. In promotions with the book and area food bloggers, I participated in their virtual potluck, bringing the deviled eggs.
I excuse myself anytime I become a complete spaz over a celebrity of the food world. I knew when attending the Atlantic City Food & Wine Festival that Duff Goldman of Ace of Cakes would be there, and I mentally prepared myself to play it cool prior to meeting him. Although not everyone in the baking business world receives quite a lucky break as Goldman has, but with a dream to one day own a bakery, who better to talk to then the king of Charm City Cakes, himself.