With extreme whiffs of cake batter sweetly intoxicating your exterior scents immediately upon stepping foot into the petite, pink bake shop, smells alone define why Babycakes has, since it's sugary entrance onto the city baking scene, received its excess amount of talk.
Always an advocate for mixing and mashing health-conscious substitutes in your most favored dessert bites, the vegan and gluten-free bakery has become the master of such marvels, and the intense envy of many looking to do the same.
However, with all the well-known hype, a visit to Babycakes and all its delicious glory, can be a bit overwhelming with many urban dwellers thinking about these sweet treats with an admirable longing like myself, and all packing into the tiniest of sugary shops.
My lady friends and I, patiently pumped into the cutesy cake shop like sardines, selected each a different delicious option to experience, and after the many scrumptious bites, knew our wait was worth it.
I opted for the fresh on-the-shelves Wonder Bun, a variation of their Skinny Bun for gluten-free dietary restrictions that propels agave nectar and cinnamon in a delicate swirl, easily crafted into an addicting sweet bun. My female friends choose a lemon cupcake, a mocha cupcake with the best coffee-infused icing out there and a chocolate truffle.
All delicious decisions were prepared with pin-point perfection and I'd easily wait in that sassy sardine box time and time again!
Babycakes, 248 Broome St., New York, NY 10002, (212) 677-5047