Monday, May 10, 2010

spring's sweetest treasure, as seen saving the earth

The simple steps that one can do to encourage environmentally-friendly practices almost appear like a no-brainer to any earth dweller who is eager to make an impact. A flick of a switch or a constant habit of recycling are easy additions to your day that can eventually create drastic changes. Better yet, if you skip the plastic at grocery stores and instead sling a reusable bag by your side, Mother Nature's pleased grin just grew miles wide.

Lucky for me, an advocate for going green, my dear island friend (us seen below, with our matching LO-VE tattoos) surprised me with a snail mail treasure today, as an early birthday gift. As seen above, this radiant waste-less bag is adorable and compact, and easy to pop into your purse when you're someone like me, always on the go.

The petite pouch, shaped like a hand-sized strawberry when in minimal form, unravels to a decent-sized tote that easily replaces the use of 3 plastic bags, making your shopping trip that much more brighter.

Also, I have to note that as much as I love apples, hence blog name, strawberries were all the rage was I was a rowdy youngin'. Until age 15, my birthday cake had to be plopped with a hefty portion of spring's sweetest treasure, and thanks to my lovely mama, my celebratory baked goods boosted brightly in the tiny-seeded reds.